Solutions for Structures
Walker has set industry standards and pioneered new methods for forensic investigation, building envelope, and restoration. Our experts will apply hands-on experience to provide solutions that extend the service life of your building or structure.
Whether for new construction or existing, Walker uses state-of-the-art strategies to offer recommendations that enable you to improve the long-term health and increase the value of your assets. Through our experience with new and existing construction, investigations, and assessments, we have encountered a wide range of design errors and construction mistakes and can help our clients avoid them. We can provide solutions for any kind of structure including: office and residential buildings, parking structures, bridges, tunnels, canals, offshore structures, utility plants, and more.
Why Walker? Hear from our experts.
Solutions for Your Structure
Façade Ordinance Inspections
Walker provides assistance with façade ordinance inspections that will meet the requirements for cities across the country. Our qualified experts can guide you through the process and perform the inspection.