MEP Forensics and Restoration
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems are important components of a building, and we can provide design and assessments of these systems to help clients assess aspects for maintenance and optimization.
Walker has a wide range of MEP forensics and restoration capabilities ranging from MEP forensics investigation, MEP design repairs, construction administration through periodic inspections and observations of HVAC and other MEP systems.
MEP Condition Assessments

Walker’s mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) condition assessments provide a detailed insight into the current functioning of your MEP systems, which we understand are vital building components. Our evaluation will provide information on the areas in need of repair as well as the areas that will need maintenance in the near future. Walker provides complete MEP assessments as well as specific assessments for the following:
- International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) Compliance Reports
- LEED Consulting
- MEP Equipment Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- Indoor Air Quality Testing and Assessments
- HVAC Consulting
- Mechanical Equipment Condition Assessment
- Building Energy Performance Assessment
- Building Energy Performance and Improvement Evaluation
- Vertical Transportation Evaluation and Consulting
- Fire/Life Safety System Evaluation and Consulting
- Plumbing System Evaluation and Consulting
- Ultrasonic Pipe Thickness Testing
MEP Forensics Investigation
Our experts perform thorough forensic investigations of the MEP systems to evaluate and determine the root cause or factors resulting in failure.
MEP Design Repairs
From design through construction documents, Walker develops specialized, focused, and practical repair designs that will increase the performance of your MEP systems. Our detailed construction and bidding documents reduce potential change orders and verify that repair objectives are met.
MEP Construction Administration
Walker provides on-site field visits and consulting during MEP repair construction to observe contractor performance and resolve field issues. We review material data, shop drawing submittals and recommend changes as needed. In addition, provide resolutions, and monitor the contractor’s quality control along with answering questions that may arise.
ASHRAE Energy Audits
Monitoring and understanding your building’s energy consumption can help inform best practices and equipment maintenance. Walker performs American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Level I Energy Audits that will analyze the facility’s energy performance to identify no-cost or low-cost energy improvements, and identify potential capital improvements for further evaluation. ASHRAE Level II audits include the above but provides more in-depth analysis to categorize energy consumption by end-use, analyze utility rates and identify projects that will provide the greatest energy reduction and return on investment.
Building Energy Performance Assessment
Walker will collect, compile, analyze, and prepare a report of the energy performance of your commercial building in accordance with ASTM E2797 (Standard Practice for Building Energy Performance Assessment for a Building Involved in a Real Estate Transaction) as a stand-alone report, or as part of a Property Condition Assessment.
Building Energy Performance and Improvement Evaluation
Walker will identify if your building is under-performing compared to its peers, identify potential energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption to achieve parity with peer buildings, and provide opinions of probable cost for the improvements in accordance with ASTM E3224 (Standard Guide for Building Energy Performance and Improvement Evaluation in the Assessment of Property Condition).